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Apps on

Fly Launch is app configuration, provisioning, deployment, scaling, and orchestration with our flyctl CLI.

Work with your apps: create, configure, deploy, and scale with Fly Launch, set secrets, and prepare for production

flyctl CLI

Use the fly command to create and deploy apps, control individual Machines, configure networking, and more.

Install flyctl

flyctl is open source

Fly Machines

Machines are fast-launching VMs—and the compute engine of the platform.

Learn all about Fly Machines

Machines API

Get precise, low-level control of Machines with our REST API.

Machines API docs

GPU compute

Run GPU workloads on Fly Machines.

Fly GPUs

Supporting services

Services from and our extension partners to help you run your entire stack near your users.

Upstash for Redis®

Tigris object storage

Supabase Postgres (public alpha)

LiteFS - Distributed SQLite

Fly Kubernetes (private beta)


Private networking, public networking, custom domains and certificates, UDP apps, and routing.

Networking on


Explore built-in and custom Prometheus metrics and Grafana dashboards. Live tail and search your app’s logs, or ship them where you want them. Metrics

Error Monitoring by Sentry

Logging on


Built-in security and partner extensions.

Security on the platform

Application security by Arcjet for JavaScript apps