
Quick references for often-used resources like flyctl and fly.toml. Or dig a little deeper into capabilities and how they work.


  • Architecture: A brief overview of how Firecracker VMs, Anycast networking, Fly Proxy, and the backhaul network come together to create’s infrastructure.

  • Regions: The regions around the world where we run servers so your apps can run close to your users.

  • Machine migration: How automatically migrates your app’s Machines from problematic hosts to healthy hosts.

Reference docs

  • flyctl: The flyctl CLI reference documentation.

  • App Configuration (fly.toml): The settings for configuring your app in the fly.toml configuration file. The Fly Launch configuration includes how the app is built, its volume mounts, network services, and more.

  • Fly Launch: A deeper dive into how Fly Launch creates and configures new apps.

  • Fly Proxy: Learn about how Fly Proxy routes requests, handles connections, and does load balancing.

Working with

  • Autoscaling: Adjust the number of running or created Fly Machines dynamically.

  • Builders: The different ways you can assemble applications into deployable images for

  • Load Balancing: How Fly Proxy distributes traffic to your application instances based on load, closeness, and concurrency settings.

  • Multiple processes inside a app: The different ways to run multiple processes inside a Fly App.