Deno KV with LiteFS Cloud

LiteFS Cloud will be retired October 15, 2024. LiteFS itself is not affected by the retirement of the LiteFS Cloud service. Learn more about how to disconnect from LiteFS Cloud and other options for disaster recovery in our community post: Sunsetting LiteFS Cloud.


If you’re porting an app from Deno Deploy to, you may hit a bit of a snag: if it was built with Deno KV, a traditionally FoundationDB backed K/V store made for Deno Deploy, there’s no obvious way to easily run Deno KV at scale on You could use denoland/denokv on, but due to an alignment of the stars there happens to be an easier way.

Deno KV can actually be backed by an SQLite DB stored on disk in a cache folder, and you can specify the path of this DB with the parameter to Deno.openKv( <here> ).

This means you can do something like this to get Deno KV to use an arbitrary SQLite DB:

const kv = await Deno.openKv("/any/path/i/want.db");

Now, has some special features for SQLite users, namely LiteFS Cloud, a distributed file system that transparently replicates and backs up SQLite databases across all your instances. The magic here is that you can just treat it like a local on-disk SQLite database but behind the curtain it’s doing all the work to replicate your DB.

Setting up LiteFS

Firstly, you need to add a litefs.yml file to your project, and make sure it gets included in the Dockerfile.

Here’s an example:

  dir: "/litefs"

  dir: "/var/lib/litefs"

exit-on-error: false

  addr: ":8080"
  target: "localhost:8081"
  db: "db"
    - "*.ico"
    - "*.png"

  - cmd: "deno run -A main.ts"

  type: "consul"
  advertise-url: "http://${HOSTNAME}.vm.${FLY_APP_NAME}.internal:20202"
  candidate: ${FLY_REGION == PRIMARY_REGION}
  promote: true

    url: "${FLY_CONSUL_URL}"
    key: "litefs/${FLY_APP_NAME}"\

This is 99% the sample config, only changing the exec command to a Deno one.

It’s not immediately clear based on the example config, but your app needs to listen on “target” (:8081) and your service/http_service in fly.toml needs to listen on “addr” (:8080). This is because part of LiteFS acts as a proxy, so you need the fly-proxy to send requests to LiteFS which then forwards them on to your app.

If you’re not able to change your application’s port, make sure target is set up correctly then change addr and fly.toml to something other than :8080.

Once you’ve added the config, you just need to make your app look for the SQLite DB in the right location. For Deno KV, that looks like this:

const kv = await Deno.openKv(Deno.env.get("DB_LOCATION"));

Where DB_LOCATION is set to /litefs/my.db in fly.toml under [env].

Now, if you’re deploying to, you’re almost ready to go. Here’s where to look if you’re not running on

Creating a LiteFS Cloud cluster

For a more in-depth article, check out Getting Started with LiteFS on

Head over to the LiteFS section of the dashboard and create a cluster, make a note of the auth token (you’ll need it later).


You need to add the dependencies for LiteFS to your Dockerfile:

# for alpine-based images
RUN apk add ca-certificates fuse3 sqlite

# or for debian/ubuntu-based images
RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y ca-certificates fuse3 sqlite3

And copy in the LiteFS binary:

COPY --from=flyio/litefs:0.5 /usr/local/bin/litefs /usr/local/bin/litefs

And update the ENTRYPOINT/CMD:

ENTRYPOINT litefs mount

Now you’re ready to launch your Fly app!

# Create a volume
$ fly volumes create litefs --size 10

# Create your app without deploying
$ fly launch --no-deploy

# Attach the provided Consul server to your app.
$ fly consul attach

# Set the secret for LiteFS cloud, replace the example value with your token from earlier
$ fly secrets set LITEFS_CLOUD_TOKEN=yoursecrettoken

Update your fly.toml to mount the LiteFS volume:

  source = "litefs"
  destination = "/var/lib/litefs"

Aaannnndddd, Deploy!

fly deploy

Your reward for running all those commands should be a running app with LiteFS! Let us know if you run into friction using LiteFS with Deno KV or any other client, you can reach out on the Fly Community.


Deploying just one node using LiteFS doesn’t actually do much, so try scaling outwards! You can add a few Machines in regions close to your users like this:

fly scale count 3 -r yyz,ewr,waw

This will automatically add volumes and Machines to scale your app out and around the world!