Supabase Postgres

Supabase now offers their excellent managed Postgres service on infrastructure. Provisioning Supabase via flyctl ensures secure, low-latency database access from applications hosted on

This service is in beta. Test any workloads you want, but we recommend against running in production!

Pricing and Billing

During the Supabase beta, we recommend you upgrade your organization to the Supabase Pro Plan to test without limitations. Your beta credits will cover plenty of usage. Use flyctl ext supabase dashboard --org yourorg to sign in and upgrade.

Supabase offers one free, resource-limited database per user. After that, all databases are billed on pay-as-you-go basis under the Supabase Pro plan. Check the official Supabase Pricing page for details.

Your database usage charges and plan fees will show up on your monthly bill. You can track database usage details in the Supabase web console.

Create and manage a Supabase Postgres database

Creating and managing databases happens exclusively via the Fly CLI. Install it, then signup for a Fly account.

Running the following command in a app context – inside an app directory or specifying -a yourapp – will automatically pick a region and set secrets on your app.

flyctl ext supabase create
? Select Organization: soupedup (soupedup)
? Choose a name, use the default, or leave blank to generate one:
? Choose the primary region (can't be changed later) Miami, Florida (US) (mia)
Your Supabase database (icy-wind-1879) in mia is ready.

Set one or more of the following secrets on your target app.
DATABASE_URL: postgres://

DATABASE_URL offers a direct IPv6 connection to your database. Use this URL from your applications.

DATABASE_POOLER_URL runs connections through a connection pooler. Currently, the connection pooler runs outside of and may introduce connection latency. Use this URL to test connection pooling behavior, or to connect from locations that don’t support IPv6, like many household ISPs.

The Supabase web console

To view more details about database usage, connection strings, and more, use:

flyctl ext supabase dashboard <database_name>

Or, visit your organization-level overview for billing and organization settings:

flyctl ext supabase dashboard --org <org_name>

List your databases and view status

Get a list of all of your Supabase databases.

flyctl ext supabase list
NAME                    ORG             PRIMARY REGION
js-supabase-staging-db  fly-ephemeral   mad
late-surf-5384          fly-ephemeral mad

Note the database name, then fetch its status.

fly ext supabase status late-waterfall-1133
  ID             = aaV829vaMVDGbi5
  Name           = late-waterfall-1133
  App            = myapp

Delete a Supabase database

Deleting can’t be undone. Be careful!

fly ext supabase destroy wispy-resonance-270
Destroying a Supabase database is not reversible.
? Destroy Supabase database wispy-resonance-270? Yes
Your Supabase database wispy-resonance-270 was destroyed