Post Deployment

Once you have your Laravel application up and running in, it helps to know how to execute commands on it and review events happening in your application.

Console Access

To interact with your Laravel application in, you can ssh into a running instance through the Fly SSH Console:

fly ssh console
Connecting to top1.nearest.of.frosty-glitter-7650.internal... complete

Once you gain access to your application’s console, you can run commands like you would in your local environment, like listing your Laravel folder structure:

cd /var/www/html
ls -l
Dockerfile  artisan        composer.lock  docker             package.json       public     storage             vendor   bootstrap      config         lang               phpunit.xml        resources  tailwind.config.js  vite.config.js
app         composer.json  database       package-lock.json  postcss.config.js  routes     tests


Hopefully you have configured some neat, helpful logs to keep track of the events happening in your Laravel application. So another way to inspect what your application’s been up to, is to check its application logs. There are several options:’s logging service

By default, updates Laravel’s logging channel to "stderr" through the [env] configuration found in fly.toml:

  APP_ENV = "production"
  LOG_CHANNEL = "stderr"
  LOG_LEVEL = "info"
  LOG_STDERR_FORMATTER = "Monolog\\Formatter\\JsonFormatter"

This "stderr" configuration prints your application logs into the console, where the service is able to listen and capture logs from.

In order to view your logs captured by the service, you can either:

  1. Visit your application’s monitoring section from your dashboard like so: "<app-name>/monitoring"
  2. Or run the flyctl logs command:
fly logs
2022-09-23T12:05:07Z app[8ebaa037] ams [info]{"message":"reached test","context":{},"level":200,"level_name":"INFO","channel":"production","datetime":"2022-09-23T12:05:07.200105+00:00","extra":{}}

Take note however that logs are kept only for 2 days, before they’re all wiped out!

Volumed Log File

Laravel Log File

If you would like to persist your application logs for a longer duration, you can instead opt to save the logs in a log file by configuring "single", "daily", or "stack" as the LOG_CHANNEL.

So update your fly.toml:

  APP_ENV = "production"
  LOG_CHANNEL = "stack"
  LOG_LEVEL = "info"
  LOG_STDERR_FORMATTER = "Monolog\\Formatter\\JsonFormatter"

If you’ve opted to configure "stack" as your LOG_CHANNEL make sure its channels configuration found in config/logging.php includes "single" or "daily":

 'stack' => [
    'driver' => 'stack',
    'channels' => ['single'],
    'ignore_exceptions' => false,

Note: You can even add "stderr" in the stack’s channels list to view your logs through

Then, through the Fly SSH Console, you can access the logs in your application!

Adding Volume

Deployment wipes out all log files! In order to persist your Laravel log files, you’ll need to add a volume to persist your log folder’s state.

1) First let’s create a Volume:

fly volumes create my_log_vol --region ams --size 10 #GB
  • You can replace the volume name my_log_vol with any name of your preference.
  • You can specify your region code through the –region attribute
  • You can specify your volume’s size in GB through the –size attribute

2) Revise fly.toml to mount that volume in your /var/www/html/storage/logs folder:


3) Finally, deploy the changes!

fly deploy

Hopefully now, regardless of how many more deployments you make from here, your logs will persist!