High Availability & Global Replication

Fly Postgres uses repmgr to manage replication clusters of three or more Postgres servers. You’ll know your app uses repmgr if it uses a postgres-flex image. Run fly status --app <app name> or fly image show --app <app name> to view the image name and version.

Older Fly Postgres apps use stolon for leader election and streaming replication between two or more Postgres servers.

Adding replicas

The easiest way to add replicas (standbys) is with the fly machine clone command:

fly machine clone <machine ID> --region <region> --app <app name>

For example:

fly machine clone 148e306c77e089 --region iad --app my-app-name
Cloning machine 148e306c77e089 into region iad
Volume 'pg_data' will start empty
Provisioning a new machine with image registry-1.docker.io/flyio/postgres-flex:15...
  Machine 17814e3b990389 has been created...
  Waiting for machine 17814e3b990389 to start...
  Waiting for 17814e3b990389 to become healthy (started, 3/3)
Machine has been successfully cloned!

The fly machine clone command clones the spec from the source Machine and uses it to create the new replica in the specified region.

Performing a failover

To perform a failover, first make sure you have 3 or more servers in your primary region. Then run the following command:

fly postgres failover --app <app name>

For example:

fly postgres failover --app my-app-name
Performing a failover
Connecting to fdaa:2:45b:a7b:174:f553:db80:2... complete
Stopping current leader...  17811073b07918
Starting new leader
Promoting new leader...  4d891247b0d698
Connecting to fdaa:2:45b:a7b:174:f553:db80:2... complete
NOTICE: promoting standby to primary
DETAIL: promoting server "fdaa:2:45b:a7b:174:f553:db80:2" (ID: 665772506) using pg_promote()
NOTICE: waiting up to 60 seconds (parameter "promote_check_timeout") for promotion to complete
DETAIL: server "fdaa:2:45b:a7b:174:f553:db80:2" (ID: 665772506) was successfully promoted to primary
NOTICE: executing STANDBY FOLLOW on 1 of 1 siblings
INFO: STANDBY FOLLOW successfully executed on all reachable sibling nodes
Waiting 30 seconds for the old leader to stop...
Restarting old leader... 17811073b07918
Waiting for leadership to swap to 4d891247b0d698...
  Waiting for 17811073b07918 to become healthy (started, 3/3)
  Waiting for 4d891247b0d698 to become healthy (started, 3/3)
  Waiting for 3d8d9e15c9de58 to become healthy (started, 3/3)
Failover complete

Note: Only healthy servers residing in your primary region will be considered for leadership.

Performing a regional failover

There may be situations where you want to move leadership into a completely new region.

  1. Add at least three replicas into the new region to maintain quorum when switching leadership. See Adding replicas.

  2. Run fly status --app <app name> to check the number of servers in each region. For example:

    fly status --app my-app-name
    ID              STATE   ROLE    REGION  CHECKS              IMAGE                               CREATED                 UPDATED
    e78423d1a33148  started replica iad     3 total, 3 passing  flyio/postgres-flex:15.3 (v0.0.46)  2024-01-03T15:35:20Z    2024-01-03T15:35:32Z
    e2866756a37148  started replica iad     3 total, 3 passing  flyio/postgres-flex:15.3 (v0.0.46)  2024-01-03T15:45:44Z    2024-01-03T15:45:54Z
    d891116b6505e8  started primary ewr     3 total, 3 passing  flyio/postgres-flex:15.3 (v0.0.46)  2024-01-03T14:17:32Z    2024-01-03T15:36:19Z
    784eee9a216118  started replica ewr     3 total, 3 passing  flyio/postgres-flex:15.3 (v0.0.46)  2024-01-03T14:25:01Z    2024-01-03T16:01:31Z
    784e2edc425348  started replica iad     3 total, 3 passing  flyio/postgres-flex:15.3 (v0.0.46)  2024-01-03T15:48:59Z    2024-01-03T15:49:10Z
    2874443f054548  started replica ewr     3 total, 3 passing  flyio/postgres-flex:15.3 (v0.0.46)  2024-01-03T14:24:15Z    2024-01-03T15:34:29Z

    The output shows the primary and two replicas in ewr, and three replicas in iad, which is the new target region for this example.

  3. If you haven’t already pulled down your fly.toml configuration file, you can do so by running:

    fly config save --app <app name>
  4. Open the fly.toml file and set the primary_region and the PRIMARY_REGION environment variable to your new target region. For example, to move leadership into the iad region:

    primary_region = "iad"
    PRIMARY_REGION = "iad"
  5. Before deploying this change, identify which Postgres image you are currently running. Use fly status to get the image info.

    For example:

    fly status -app my-app-name
    ID              STATE   ROLE    REGION  CHECKS              IMAGE                               CREATED                 UPDATED
    784eee9a216118  started replica ewr     3 total, 3 passing  flyio/postgres-flex:15.3 (v0.0.46)  2024-01-03T14:25:01Z    2024-01-03T14:25:13Z
    2874443f054548  started primary ewr     3 total, 3 passing  flyio/postgres-flex:15.3 (v0.0.46)  2024-01-03T14:24:15Z    2024-01-03T14:24:24Z
  6. Copy the image name, in this example flyio/postgres-flex:15.3, you’ll use it for the next command.

  7. Deploy the app to pick up the changes you made to the fly.toml file, specifying the image to use. For example:

    fly deploy . --image flyio/postgres-flex:15.3 --strategy=immediate

    Warning: The deploy process will result in a small amount of downtime. Once the fly.toml file change has been deployed, your cluster will become read-only until the failover process completes.

    Once the deploy process has completed, you might need to wait a moment for all the servers to become healthy.

  8. Run the fly pg failover command to move the primary server to the new region:

    fly pg failover

    Example output for a successful failover:

    Performing a failover
    Connecting to fdaa:2:45b:a7b:22b:ea40:9fed:2... complete
    Stopping current leader...  d891116b6505e8
    Starting new leader
    Promoting new leader...  e2866756a37148
    Connecting to fdaa:2:45b:a7b:22b:ea40:9fed:2... complete
    NOTICE: promoting standby to primary
    DETAIL: promoting server "fdaa:2:45b:a7b:22b:ea40:9fed:2" (ID: 453196900) using pg_promote()
    NOTICE: waiting up to 60 seconds (parameter "promote_check_timeout") for promotion to complete
    DETAIL: server "fdaa:2:45b:a7b:22b:ea40:9fed:2" (ID: 453196900) was successfully promoted to primary
    NOTICE: executing STANDBY FOLLOW on 4 of 4 siblings
    INFO: STANDBY FOLLOW successfully executed on all reachable sibling nodes
    Waiting 30 seconds for the old leader to stop...
    Restarting old leader... d891116b6505e8
    Waiting for leadership to swap to e2866756a37148...
      Waiting for 784eee9a216118 to become healthy (started, 3/3)
      Waiting for d891116b6505e8 to become healthy (started, 3/3)
      Waiting for e2866756a37148 to become healthy (started, 3/3)
      Waiting for 2874443f054548 to become healthy (started, 3/3)
      Waiting for 784e2edc425348 to become healthy (started, 3/3)
      Waiting for e78423d1a33148 to become healthy (started, 3/3)
    Failover complete

That’s it! Run fly status to verify your changes. Continuing the example, the output shows that the primary server has switched from ewr to iad:

fly status -a my-app-name
ID              STATE   ROLE    REGION  CHECKS              IMAGE                               CREATED                 UPDATED
e78423d1a33148  started replica iad     3 total, 3 passing  flyio/postgres-flex:15.3 (v0.0.46)  2024-01-03T15:35:20Z    2024-01-03T16:13:53Z
e2866756a37148  started primary iad     3 total, 3 passing  flyio/postgres-flex:15.3 (v0.0.46)  2024-01-03T15:45:44Z    2024-01-03T16:13:21Z
d891116b6505e8  started replica ewr     3 total, 3 passing  flyio/postgres-flex:15.3 (v0.0.46)  2024-01-03T14:17:32Z    2024-01-03T16:15:57Z
784eee9a216118  started replica ewr     3 total, 3 passing  flyio/postgres-flex:15.3 (v0.0.46)  2024-01-03T14:25:01Z    2024-01-03T16:12:44Z
784e2edc425348  started replica iad     3 total, 3 passing  flyio/postgres-flex:15.3 (v0.0.46)  2024-01-03T15:48:59Z    2024-01-03T16:12:47Z
2874443f054548  started replica ewr     3 total, 3 passing  flyio/postgres-flex:15.3 (v0.0.46)  2024-01-03T14:24:15Z    2024-01-03T16:12:09Z

Connecting to read replicas

The generated connection string uses port 5432 to connect to PostgreSQL. This port always forwards you to a writable instance. Port 5433 is direct to the PostgreSQL member, and used to connect to read replicas directly.

You can use the proxy port (5432) to connect from every region, but it will be quite slow. Connecting to “local” replicas is much quicker, but does take some app logic.

The basic logic to connect is:

  1. Set a PRIMARY_REGION environment variable on your app.
  2. Check the FLY_REGION environment variable at connect time, use DATABASE_URL as is when FLY_REGION is the same as PRIMARY_REGION.
  3. Modify the DATABASE_URL when running in other regions:
    • Change the port to 5433

This is what it looks like in Ruby:

class Fly
  def self.database_url
    primary = ENV["PRIMARY_REGION"]
    current = ENV["FLY_REGION"]
    db_url = ENV["DATABASE_URL"]

    if primary.blank? || current.blank? || primary == current
      return db_url

    u = URI.parse(db_url)
    u.port = 5433

    return u.to_s

Running this in the primary region will use the built-in DATABASE_URL and connect to port 5432:

postgres://<user>:<password>@top1.nearest.of.<postgres cluster app name>.internal:5432/rails_on_fly?sslmode=disable

In the other regions, the app will connect to port 5433:

postgres://<user>:<password>@top1.nearest.of.<postgres cluster app name>.internal:5433/rails_on_fly?sslmode=disable

Detecting write requests

Catch read-only errors

PostgreSQL conveniently sends a “read only transaction” error when you attempt to write to a read replica. All you need to do to detect write requests is catch this error.

Replay the request

Once caught, just send a fly-replay header specifying the primary region, for example fly-replay: region=scl, and we’ll take care of the rest.

If you’re working in Rails, just add this to your ApplicationController:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  rescue_from ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid do |e|
    if e.cause.is_a?(PG::ReadOnlySqlTransaction)
      response.headers["fly-replay"] = "region=#{r}"
      Rails.logger.info "Replaying request in #{r}"
      render plain: "retry in region #{r}", status: 409
      raise e

Library support

We would like to build libraries to make this seamless for most application frameworks and runtimes. If you have a particular app you’d like to distribute with PostgreSQL, post in our community forums.

Consistency model

This is a fairly typical read replica model. Read replicas are usually eventually consistent, and can fall behind the leader. Running read replicas across the world can exacerbate this effect and make read replicas stale more frequently.

Request with writes

Requests to the primary region are strongly consistent. When you use the replay header to target a particular region, the entire request runs against the leader database. Your application will behave like you expect.

Read only requests

Most apps accept a POST or PUT, do a bunch of writes, and then redirect the user to a GET request. In most cases, the database will replicate the changes before the user makes the second request. But not always!

Most read-heavy applications aren’t especially sensitive to stale data on subsequent requests. A lagging read replica might result in an out-of-date view for users, but this might be reasonable for your use case.

If your app is sensitive to stale data (meaning, you never, under any circumstances want to show users stale data), you should be careful using read replicas.

Managing eventual consistency

For apps that are sensitive to consistency issues, you can add a counter or timestamp to user sessions that indicates what “version” of the database a particular user is expecting. When the user makes a request and the session’s data version differs from the replica, you can use the same fly-replay header to redirect their request to the primary region – and then you’ll know it’s not stale.

In theory, you could run PostgreSQL with synchronous replication and block until replicas receive writes. This probably won’t work well for far flung read replicas.

This is wrong for some apps

We built this set of features for read-heavy apps that are primarily HTTP request based. That is, most requests only perform reads and only some requests include writes.

Write-heavy workloads

If you write to the database on every request, this will not work for you. You will need to make some architectural changes to run a write-heavy app in multiple regions.

Some apps write background info like metrics or audit logs on every request, but are otherwise read heavy. If you’re running an application like this, you should consider using something like nats.io to send information to your primary region asynchronously.

Truly write-heavy apps require latency aware data partitioning, either at the app level or in a database engine. There are lots of interesting new databases that have features for this, try them out!

Long lived connections

If your app makes heavy use of long lived connections with interpolated writes, like WebSockets, this will not work for you. This technique is specific to HTTP request/response based apps that bundle writes up into specific requests.