The Basics

Most Rails applications require additional setup beyond provisioning a Postgres and Redis database. These guides will help you get through the basics of setting up your Rails application with pieces of infrastructure commonly found in medium-to-high complexity Rails applications.


Understand what it means to deploy a Rails application to Fly along with some common tasks you may want to run after deployments, like a database migration or script.

Sidekiq Background Workers

Deploy Rails applications that run in multiple processes to one Fly application, like Sidekiq background jobs.

Running Tasks & Consoles

Access the Rails console, run rake tasks, and access the SSH shell of a running Rails application with these one-liners.

Environment Configuration

Add environment variables to your Rails applications, configure secrets, and use the encrypted credentials.yml file to manage your application’s configuration on Fly.

Turbo Streams & Action Cable

Provision a Redis Server and configure Rails to run Turbo Streams.