Experimental Fly Rails Gem

This guide runs you through how to use the fly-rails gem to deploy your Rails applications to Fly.io using Rails commands.

Please note that the fly-rails gem is designed to work well with common Rails production configurations, like a Turbo app that uses Sidekiq, AnyCable, Redis, & Postgres. For less common configurations, we recommend using flyctl and its respective configuration files to manage your deployment.

Install the flyctl command line interface

First you’ll need to install the Fly CLI, and signup for a Fly.io account. The gem used in the next step will use this CLI to deploy your application to Fly.io and it’s something that’s worth learning more about as you become more comfortable with Fly.io.

Install the gem

Add the fly-rails gem from the root of your Rails project.

bundle add fly-rails

This installs and bundles the fly-rails gem in your Rails project, which adds commands to Rails that make deploying apps to Fly.io require less steps.

Launch your app

The first deployment will both provision and deploy the application to Fly.io. Run the following command:

bin/rails fly:launch

If the deployment is successful, you can view your app by running:

fly apps open

You should see your application!


Changes to your application can be deployed with one command.

bin/rails fly:deploy

This will deploy the latest changes to your application and run any database migrations, if present.


There may be a point where you need to “eject” from the fly-rails gem for deployments that require more advanced configuration. Ejecting creates a fly.toml and Dockerfile at the root of your project that works with flyctl and gives you full and exact control over your application configuration.

bin/rails generate fly:app --eject