Advanced guides

Elixir can do some pretty neat things by inheriting abilities from the Erlang Virtual Machine (BEAM). This provides a set of advanced guides for Elixir applications running on Fly.

GitHub Actions for Elixir CI/CD

Setup GitHub CI/CD for your Elixir project.

Connecting Observer to Your App in Production

Guide for connecting a locally running Observer instance to your application running on Fly.

Connecting Livebook to Your App in Production

Guide for connecting a locally running Livebook to your application running on Fly.

Do Interesting Things with Livebook and Your Production App

Guide shows interesting things we can do when Livebook connects to our deployed app running on Fly.

Easy Clustering from Home to

Guide for connecting a locally running Elixir application to another application running on Fly.


This guide shows you how to use SQLite3 as your database