Get information about an app

Once your Fly App is launched, flyctl has various tools for getting information about it. You can also find a lot of information on your dashboard.

Find all your apps

You can see a list of all your Fly Apps:

fly apps list
NAME          OWNER           STATUS          PLATFORM        LATEST DEPLOY        
testrun       personal        deployed        machines        21h17m ago                    
my-app        personal        suspended       machines        2023-11-15T23:33:07Z

App overviews

If you want a brief app overview, including a list of Machines on that app with their current status, use fly status:

fly status -a testrun
  Name     = testrun          
  Owner    = personal         
  Hostname =  
  Platform = machines         

ID              STATE   REGION  HEALTH CHECKS           IMAGE                                           CREATED                 UPDATED              
06e82d43ad1587  started yyz     1 total, 1 passing      testrun:deployment-01GQ0HKV6TDT7DX0G50MT50FZD   2023-01-17T17:54:04Z    2023-01-17T21:42:33Z

As with many flyctl commands, if you leave off the -a flag, fly status will infer the app name from the fly.toml file in the working directory, if there is one.

fly machine list yields a different set of information for each Machine, including the Machine’s internal IPv6 address:

fly machine list -a testrun
1 machines have been retrieved from app testrun.
View them in the UI here (​

ID              NAME                    STATE   REGION  IMAGE                                           IP ADDRESS                           VOLUME  CREATED                 LAST UPDATED            APP PLATFORM    PROCESS GROUP 
178115db494e18  holy-waterfall-9884     started lhr     testrun:deployment-01GTYFV11PM7D7B30AWZSH1FZE       fdaa:0:3b99:a7b:a98:6c48:67c5:2              2023-03-07T16:52:59Z    2023-03-07T16:53:06Z    v2              app    

Examine a specific Machine

You can drill down and get an overview of a particular Machine with fly machine status. This is where you’ll find the Machine’s CPU size and RAM settings.

fly machine status e286065f969386
Machine ID: e286065f969386
Instance ID: 01GQR4GR5TPQC65T5RMKR0HS87
State: started

  ID            = e286065f969386                               
  Instance ID   = 01GQR4GR5TPQC65T5RMKR0HS87                   
  State         = started                                      
  Image         = testrun:deployment-01GQR4GN7EA8G12VE1DBRQG4KQ  
  Name          = rough-tree-1360                              
  Private IP    = fdaa:0:3b99:a7b:8aeb:fea3:148b:2             
  Region        = iad                                          
  Process Group =                                              
  Memory        = 256                                          
  CPUs          = 1                                            
  Created       = 2023-01-25T21:35:32Z                         
  Updated       = 2023-01-26T22:52:36Z                         
  Command       =                                              

Event Logs
STATE   EVENT   SOURCE  TIMESTAMP                       INFO 
started start   flyd    2023-01-26T17:52:36.678-05:00
created launch  user    2023-01-26T17:52:33.348-05:00


See the configured services with fly services list.

fly services list
PROTOCOL        PORTS                   FORCE HTTPS 
TCP             80 => 8080 [HTTP]       True       
                443 => 8080 [TLS,HTTP]  False 

Public IP addresses

Find your app’s public Anycast IPs and private Flycast IPs with fly ips list.

fly ips list
VERSION IP                      TYPE                REGION  CREATED AT
v6      2a09:8280:1::2d:678b    public (dedicated)  global  Sep 1 2023 19:47
v6      fdaa:2:45b:0:1::23      private             global  Mar 16 2024 18:20
v4           public (shared)             Jan 1 0001 00:00

Read more about Public networking and Private networking.

Check on it from inside

You can use fly ssh console to get a prompt on a Machine in your app (as long as the Machine’s Docker image includes sh). You may want to connect to a specific Machine, and you can do that with fly ssh console -s:

fly ssh console -s
? Select Machine: iad: e286065f969386 fdaa:0:3b99:a7b:8aeb:fea3:148b:2 rough-tree-1360
Connecting to fdaa:0:3b99:a7b:8aeb:fea3:148b:2... complete

If you have a particular command in mind, it might be quicker to use the -C flag to just run the command; for example to check on free space in the Machine file system, you might run

fly ssh console -C df
Connecting to fdaa:0:3b99:a7b:7e:3155:9844:2... complete
Filesystem     1K-blocks   Used Available Use% Mounted on
devtmpfs          103068      0    103068   0% /dev
/dev/vda         8191416 172748   7582856   3% /
shm               113224      0    113224   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs             113224      0    113224   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/vdb         1011672   2564    940500   1% /storage

If you are running an interactive command (like a shell, IEx, Django management command, or the Rails console), you may need to use the --pty flag. This tells the SSH server to run the command in a pseudo-terminal. (If you’re familiar with OpenSSH, this is like the -t flag for ssh.)

Inspect the current configuration of a deployed app or Machine

Machines can be configured individually, but Fly Launch applies the app’s config on fly deploy to all Machines that are administered by the app. Display the app configuration in JSON format with fly config show.

Show the app config

fly config show -a testrun

Show a Machine’s configuration

Tack a specific Machine’s current configuration onto the output of fly machine status by appending the -d flag. Machines belonging to a Fly App will usually be managed by fly deploy and so have the same configuration as their app.

fly m status e784459b655483 -d
Machine ID: e784459b655483
Instance ID: 01GQTQV0EMGV8XY4NYJN68247W
State: started

  ID            = e784459b655483                               
  Instance ID   = 01GQTQV0EMGV8XY4NYJN68247W                   
  State         = started                                      
  Image         = testrun:deployment-01GQTQTJB5RCS03FKGX9K2H60B  
  Name          = red-feather-7761                             
  Private IP    = fdaa:0:3b99:a7b:92:9336:667f:2               
  Region        = iad                                          
  Process Group =                                              
  Memory        = 256                                          
  CPUs          = 1                                            
  Created       = 2023-01-27T23:08:41Z                         
  Updated       = 2023-01-27T23:09:10Z                         
  Command       =                                              

Event Logs
STATE   EVENT   SOURCE  TIMESTAMP                       INFO 
started start   flyd    2023-01-27T18:09:10.855-05:00
created launch  user    2023-01-27T18:08:41.361-05:00

  "init": {},
  "image": "",
  "metadata": {
    "fly_platform_version": "v2",
    "fly_release_id": "QgDeJ3o11V2D7fkXVQGvPBON",
    "fly_release_version": "1"
  "restart": {},
  "services": [
      "protocol": "tcp",
      "internal_port": 4999,
      "ports": [
          "port": 80,
          "handlers": [
          "force_https": true
          "port": 443,
          "handlers": [
      "checks": [
          "type": "tcp",
          "interval": "15s",
          "timeout": "2s"
      "concurrency": {
        "type": "connections",
        "hard_limit": 25,
        "soft_limit": 20
  "guest": {
    "cpu_kind": "shared",
    "cpus": 1,
    "memory_mb": 256

Watch an app’s logs

Running fly logs displays an app’s logs as they happen. Logs include the console output of all instances of an application. Here are logs for an app that hangs around doing nothing but has a volume mounted so you can ssh in and create files.

fly logs -a testrun
2023-03-07T16:17:48Z runner[5683606c41098e] lhr [info]Pulling container image
2023-03-07T16:17:51Z runner[5683606c41098e] lhr [info]Unpacking image
2023-03-07T16:18:00Z runner[5683606c41098e] lhr [info]Setting up volume 'data'
2023-03-07T16:18:00Z runner[5683606c41098e] lhr [info]Uninitialized volume 'data', initializing...
2023-03-07T16:18:00Z runner[5683606c41098e] lhr [info]Encrypting volume
2023-03-07T16:18:05Z runner[5683606c41098e] lhr [info]Opening encrypted volume
2023-03-07T16:18:07Z runner[5683606c41098e] lhr [info]Formatting volume
2023-03-07T16:18:08Z runner[5683606c41098e] lhr [info]Configuring firecracker
2023-03-07T16:18:08Z app[5683606c41098e] lhr [info]Starting init (commit: 08b4c2b)...
2023-03-07T16:18:08Z app[5683606c41098e] lhr [info]Mounting /dev/vdb at /storage w/ uid: 0, gid: 0 and chmod 0755
2023-03-07T16:18:08Z app[5683606c41098e] lhr [info]Preparing to run: `sleep infinity` as root
2023-03-07T16:18:08Z app[5683606c41098e] lhr [info]2023/03/07 16:18:08 listening on [fdaa:0:3b99:a7b:7e:3155:9844:2]:22 (DNS: [fdaa::3]:53)

fly logs stays open, watching the logs, until you stop it (ctrl-C).

Learn more about logging on