Fly Changelog 17th April 2020

This is the Fly Changelog where we list all significant changes to the Fly platform, tooling and web sites. As well as the RSS feed of just changelog posts available on, there’s now a dedicated ChangeLog page with all the recent updates.

This past week has been one focused on the Fly infrastructure with earlier certificate renewals now in place and a dedicated Changlog page.

We also made time to bring in some user contributed changes to the flyctl which make debugging fly.toml files easier and clearer upgrade instructions. In other updates, there’s also better help for scaling your VM sizes and flyctl is packaged for Arch Linux now.

16th April 2020

flyctl: Version 0.0.116 released

  • Enhanced error descriptions for bad fly.toml file. flyctl now lists the invalid sections and settings to make it easier to fix. Thanks to Lars Lehtonen for that.
  • Readme for flyctl now includes the upgrade instructions for HomeBrew updates. Thanks to Simon Willison for that.
  • Improved help for flyctl scale vm - now gives basic names for sizes.
  • Arch Linux users who prefer to install from the AUR package system can now use flyctl-bin to get flyctl on their systems.

Fly Platform/Web

  • New applications now get their certificate “instantly”
  • The Fly Proxy will now serve new certificates 2 weeks before the current one expires if it can.

13th April 2020

Fly Platform/Web

  • Added a new ChangeLog page which brings together all the most recent changelogs into one readable page.