Monorepo and multi-environment deployments

By default, fly deploy builds and deploys a fly.toml file, a Dockerfile, and source code from the current working directory. This is sufficient for deploying a single app, but you can also configure flyctl to build and deploy multiple apps from a monorepo or deploy an app to multiple targets.


Working directory

The first argument to fly deploy is the path to the working directory for your app’s source code. For Dockerfile and Buildpack builds, this is the build context sent to the Docker daemon. It defaults to the current working directory.

You can override this by providing a path:

fly deploy ./path/to/app

fly.toml path

By default, fly deploy will look for a fly.toml in the working directory. You can override this using the --config option.

fly deploy --config ./path/to/fly.toml

Dockerfile path

By default, fly deploy will look for a Dockerfile in the working directory. You can override this using the --dockerfile option.

fly deploy --dockerfile ./path/to/Dockerfile

Multi-stage Build Target

By default, the final stage of a multi-stage dockerfile is exported as the deployed image. You can stop at a specific stage by using the --build-target option:

fly deploy --build-target web
fly deploy --build-target api
fly deploy --build-target worker


Use a different fly.toml file per environment

fly deploy --config ./fly.production.toml
fly deploy --config ./fly.staging.toml

Use a different Dockerfile per environment

fly deploy --dockerfile ./Dockerfile.production
fly deploy --dockerfile ./Dockerfile.staging

Deploy a subdirectory

fly deploy ./apps/api

Share a multi-stage Dockerfile with several Fly Apps

fly deploy --config fly.api.toml --build-target api