People love their precious SPAs! Host your frontend (and heck, even your backend) globally on Fly.io, and reap the rewards of low ping times.
SPAs always are a bit fragile. Nevermind the game of “where’s the business logic?” (a rant I won’t bother writing), splitting the frontend from the backend makes hosting SPAs harder.
The complications are mostly related to security concerns, such as dealing with CORS and cookie configuration. These often fail with confusing browser errors (on the frontend, where errors go to die - never to be read by a human).
I might be biased, but there’s a lot that can go wrong!
I don’t usually run SPAs myself, so when someone asked about doing it on Fly, I wanted to figure it out to ensure I understood all the issues. If I’m going to complain about SPAs, I better understand them!
Here’s my writeup about what it takes to separate your frontend from your backend. I’m writing in context of Laravel (and Sanctum), but this applies to most frameworks.
The Goal
We want our frontend (The JS making up our SPA) hosted on some url like my-app.fly.dev
. The backend will be an API hosted on something like my-app-api.fly.dev
Off the bat we have some hurdles:
- We’re using 2 domains, and Javascript is going to need permission to make HTTP requests to the API domain (via your best frenemy CORS)
- We need to handle authentication - in this case, cookie based auth (yes, cookies!) across 2 subdomains of the same root domain
- We also need to handle CSRF (cross-site request forgery) tokens to protect against malicious attempts to send data to our backend
So, we need our frontend to be able to authenticate and stay authenticated with our backend. It also needs to securely send data (mainly POST requests) to the API.
Authentication and authorization is often done with JWTs, but Laravel Sanctum provides a way to handle most of this using good-old-fashion cookies.
The Factors
There are the factors making SPA setups a bit painful!
Here’s a quick overview of them:
Browsers don’t just let you send HTTP requests anywhere. By default, they only allow you to make requests to the same domain you see in the URL bar. To make requests to other domains (“Cross Origin”), the other domain needs to allow it. It does this via CORS headers. We need our backend to allow the frontend to send HTTP requests to it by setting the correct CORS headers.
Cookies & Domains
Similarly, cookies can only be set for specific domains. Browsers will ignore/omit cookies set for a different domain than the one a site is currently on. However, our backend and frontend domains may be different. In our case, since we want to make use of cookies, we need a common root domain, which will allow subdomains to share cookies. We’ll use cookies for authentication with the backend - the regular old use case for cookies - but across subdomains. You can’t use cookies across 2 totally different domains - browsers won’t let you.
Related to cookies is the need for CSRF tokens with Laravel. Laravel uses these to protect against cross-site request forgery (hey, that’s “CSRF”). We’ll send our CSRF tokens along as another (encrypted) cookie to Laravel.
🙅 Fly.dev
Lastly, fly.dev
is on the public suffix list. This has a side effect!
We can’t accomplish what we want using a *.fly.dev
subdomain. Browsers won’t let you set cookies for all subdomains of public suffix domain. Instead, we need to use a custom domain in this setup!
Besides, would you really want your cookies set to work on any site using the *.fly.dev
domain? There’s…a lot of them.
Earlier I gave domains my-app.fly.dev
and my-app-api.fly.dev
as examples. Well, we can’t use those. Let’s pretend instead we set up a custom domain on Fly.io - we’ll use subdomains www.my-app.com
and api.my-app.com
From here we see how to take care of all of this stuff with the help of Laravel Sanctum.
The basics of installing and using Sanctum are the following few things:
composer require laravel/sanctum
php artisan vendor:publish \
# Assuming a DB is setup
php artisan migrate
Then comes the interesting stuff.
For SPA authentication, add the following to your app/Http/Kernel.php
for the API middleware:
'api' => [
This ensures requests are “stateful” for “first party” frontends (ones we have registered). Let’s go ahead and register those.
To do that, we need to tell Sanctum what domains we’ll use with “stateful” (cookie-based) auth via the SANCTUM_STATEFUL_DOMAINS
env var.
Check file config/sanctum.php
to find how that works:
return [
// Other options omitted
'stateful' => explode(',', env('SANCTUM_STATEFUL_DOMAINS', sprintf(
// ... and so on
The default configuration tries to set the stateful domains for you, but it’s defaulting to values best for local development.
To try this out with 2 different subdomains, I added the following to my environment (via .env
locally and fly.toml
for deploying to Fly.io):
are using non-standard ports (anything other than 80 or 443), be sure to include the ports in the hostnames, e.g. api.my-app.com:9000
Configure CORS
We need to ensure the backend (API) is replying with the correct CORS headers to allow the frontend to send it HTTP requests.
From the Sanctum docs on SPA authentication:
In order to authenticate, your SPA and API must share the same top-level domain. However, they may be placed on different subdomains.
So, we’re going to launch two different Fly apps, which will use 2 different subdomains from the top-level domain my-app.com
. (www.my-app.com
and api.my-app.com
Sanctum can help with the CORS headers for us! We just need to set some configuration.
Head to config/cors.php
and set supports_credentials
to true
, and ensure any other routes you use are allowed in the paths
return [
// Allow ourselves to login by adding a /login route
'paths' => ['api/*', 'sanctum/csrf-cookie', 'login'],
// Other options omitted
// Ensure cors supports auth/csrf headers
'supports_credentials' => true,
I added the login
route so my frontend could send a POST request to /login
on the backend to authenticate (and get returned a valid cookie).
Setting supports_credentials
to true
sets the correct CORS headers.
Configure Cookies
Cookies will, by default, only work for the current domain being used to access the site. However, we’ll be using 2 domains. Since these subdomains use the same root domain my-app.com
, we can make the cookies work for both. (If they were totally different domains, we couldn’t do that).
So, for our multiple subdomains (www.my-app.com
and api.my-app.com
), we’ll set the SESSION_DOMAIN
env var to .my-app.com
(with the preceding period).
Check file config/session.php
to find where that env var is set:
return [
// Other options omitted
'domain' => env('SESSION_DOMAIN'),
Configure Environment Variables
So far we have 2 environment variables set:
One quick note, however, is that Laravel needs the APP_URL
to be set correctly as well. This should include the port used if using a non-standard (80,443) port.
Setting this correctly helps ensure that URLs generated by the code (including cookie domains, if you forget to set SESSION_DOMAIN
manually) use the correct domain and protocol (http vs https).
So, all together, the important environment variables are:
# or maybe api.my-app.com:9000
# if using a non-standard port
Fly.io ❤️ Laravel
Fly your servers close to your users—and keep your SPAs speedy. Deploy globally on Fly in minutes!
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The Code
We need our backend (API) to generate a CSRF token for our frontend to send along anytime it makes HTTP requests to the backend (for authentication or for general API calls).
Since it comes with Laravel out of the box, I’ll assume you use Axios to make HTTP requests from your frontend. It has an option to help here - to have it send along cookies to the backend when making requests. The cookies passed along will both keep you authenticated, but also contain the CSRF token the backend provides us.
To handle this, the first thing to do is send users to a login page. Your frontend should send a request to the backend to get a CSRF token, and then allow a login to happen.
In your application, Axios should be set like so:
axios.defaults.withCredentials = true;
If you are not using Axios to make HTTP requests from your frontend, you should perform the equivalent configuration on your own HTTP client. It’s an underlying XMLHttpRequest feature rather than one specific to Axios.
Once that’s set, if your login form is something like this:
<form id="login" class="py-12">
<h2 class="pb-4">Login</h2>
<div class="mb-4">
<input type="email" name="email" placeholder="email" class="border rounded p-2">
<div class="mb-4">
<input type="password" name="password" placeholder="password" class="border rounded p-2">
<div class="mb-4">
<button type="submit" class="border rounded p-2">Login</button>
… then your JavaScript for that can look something like this (only “fancier” because presumably you’ll be using a framework and not just Vanilla Javascript™, like me):
window.addEventListener('load', (event) => {
// Get CSRF token on page load
window.axios.get('https://api.my-app.com/sanctum/csrf-cookie').then(response => {
// We're now ready to login
let form = document.querySelector('#login')
form.addEventListener('submit', (event) => {
window.axios.post('http://api.my-app.com/login', new FormData(form))
.then(request => {
}).catch(error => {
alert('could not auth')
// Hit the API to get a user
function getUser() {
.then(response => {
alert('we got our user ' + response.data.email)
}).catch(error => {
alert('could not get user')
That’s it!
Sanctum and Axios do a lot of heavy lifting for us. Otherwise we’d have to do things like set up CORS ourself (yuck).
Easy, right? Just make sure everything is configured exactly correctly to get around (or, well, to work alongside with) browser security.
If you do something a little wrong, you’ll break your app. No sweat!
Pro Tip: If you’re going to do an SPA, and split your frontend from your backend, then I suggest using Breeze (with the API scaffolding) to set up authentication. It does a bunch of the manual work we just did for you.