LiteFS Import Command


The import command will upload a SQLite database to a LiteFS cluster. If the named database doesn’t exist, it will be created. If it does exist, it will be replaced. This command is safe to use on a live database.

The database file is not validated for integrity by LiteFS. You can perform an integrity check first by running “PRAGMA integrity_check” from the SQLite CLI.


litefs import [arguments] PATH


You’ll need to specify a name for the database using the -name flag. This is the filename that your application will use to access the database.

  -name string
      database name

If you are importing a database to a remote LiteFS node, you’ll need to specify the base API URL for that node. This defaults to the local LiteFS node.

  -url string
      LiteFS API URL (default "http://localhost:20202")


Importing to a local instance

Import a database from /path/to/db to a database called my.db on a local LiteFS node:

litefs import -name my.db /path/to/db

Importing to a remote instance

Import a database from /path/to/db to a database called my.db on a remote LiteFS node with a hostname of myotherhost:

litefs import -name my.db -url http://myotherhost:20202 /path/to/db