Backing up your LiteFS cluster

While LiteFS replicates data between nodes and supports failover, it does not currently have a disaster recovery system in place in the event you lose your entire cluster. These are some strategies you can use to reduce your risk of data loss in the event of a bug or disk corruption.

Periodic backup via export

The simplest approach is to export your database via the litefs export command and then upload that file to long-term storage such as S3. The export command is safe to use on a live database and can even be run remotely by specifying the -url flag.

Once the database is downloaded, it can be compressed & uploaded to S3.

# Download current snapshot the "my.db" database to a local file.
litefs export -name my.db /path/to/backup

# Compress the file.
gzip /path/to/backup

# Upload the file to S3.
aws s3 cp /path/to/backup.gz s3://mybucket/backup.gz

It’s also recommended to perform a rolling backup based on either hour, day or month depending on cost requirements.

# 1-day, rolling hourly backup
aws s3 cp /path/to/backup.gz s3://mybucket/backup-`date +%H`.gz

# 1-month, rolling daily backup
aws s3 cp /path/to/backup.gz s3://mybucket/backup-`date +%d`.gz

# 1-month, rolling hourly backup
aws s3 cp /path/to/backup.gz s3://mybucket/backup-`date +%d%H`.gz

This backup can be run on any of your nodes as even the replicas should have minimal lag behind the primary. If you run this on multiple nodes (such as all your candidates), make sure they are backing up to different storage locations so they do not overwrite one another.