Add Object Storage

Create a Tigris Storage Buckets

fly storage create
? Select Organization: fly-ephemeral (fly-ephemeral)
? Choose a name, use the default, or leave blank to generate one:
Your project (summer-grass-2004) is ready.

Set one or more of the following secrets on your target app.
BUCKET_NAME: summer-grass-2004
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: tid_xxxxxx

Public buckets

By default, buckets are private. If you need to serve public assets like images or JavaScript files, create a public bucket:

fly storage create --public

You can also make a public bucket private.

fly storage update mybucket --private

Currently, buckets must be public or private. ACL settings will be ignored by the Tigris API.

To verify that everything has gone well, we can check whether the appropriate secrets have been set for our app:

fly secrets list

Connecting to the Bucket

The de-facto library for interacting with s3 storage is boto3, let’s add it to the project:

poetry add boto3

Now we can initialize the client:

import boto3

S3_URL = os.getenv("AWS_ENDPOINT_URL_S3")
svc = boto3.client('s3', endpoint_url=S3_URL)

The AWS credentials will be automatically extracted from the environment.

Let’s plug that into our app:

async def read_root():
    buckets = svc.list_buckets()
    return {"buckets": [bucket["Name"] for bucket in buckets["Buckets"]]}

At this point you can interact with the bucket through the boto3 interface; refer to the docs for all the possibilities.

When you re-deploy your app you should see a list of the buckets you have access to:

fly deploy

Take a look at the gist of this setup to get a full picture.