Unlock Global Storage With Tigris on Fly.io

Tigris is a globally distributed S3-compatible object storage service that provides low latency anywhere in the world, enabling developers to store and access any amount of data for a wide range of use cases.

  • Single Global Endpoint

    Seamless global access to object storage with a single global endpoint.

  • Store Data Near Users

    Data stored close to your users automatically ensuring low latency everywhere.

  • S3 Compatible API

    Global and fast object storage with familiar AWS S3 tools, libraries and extensions.

  • Fast Small Object Retrieval

    Access small objects at close to Redis speed, ensuring swift, efficient retrieval.

Ready? Let’s Speedrun It.

Tigris can be set up right from the flyctl CLI, the same one used to deploy and manage Fly.io apps.

fly storage create
Your Tigris project (my-app) is ready.
Setting the following secrets on my-app:

Done! Now Here’s Some Cool Stuff to Do With Your New Tigris Storage.

Tigris isn’t just object storage like you've seen it before. Using its unique features, you can use S3 for things you never could before! See some examples below: