Speedrun: Launch on Fly.io

Illustration by Annie Ruygt of a hot air balloon leaving an exhaust of flames in its wake as it follows a trajectory from lower left to upper right, indicated clearly by a dotted line. The background has indistinct line drawings that conjure up outer space and circuitry.

You have an application you want to deploy on Fly.io? You’re in the right place.

Welcome to Fly Launch. For most languages and frameworks, you can deploy your app from zero, with the following steps:

  1. Install flyctl – you’ll need it.

  2. Create an account with fly auth signup or login with fly auth login.

  3. Run fly launch from inside your project source directory to create, configure, and (for most apps) deploy a new application.

  4. If prompted, run fly deploy to deploy your new app (or to redeploy after changes!).

fly launch knows what to do with a Dockerfile—so you can use the tech you love—and also configures and deploys the following kinds of apps automatically:

Refer to Launch a new app to learn more about what fly launch does.

Illustration by Annie Ruygt of Frankie the Fly.io hot air balloon character pointing at a set of stairs

Next steps

  1. Run fly status – show the status of the application instances.
  2. Run fly apps open – open your browser and direct it to your app.
  3. Run fly deploy – deploy your app after making changes.

If you have questions, need help, or want to talk about what you’re building, visit our community forum.

Illustration by Annie Ruygt of Frankie the Fly.io hot air balloon character with one hand on their hip and the other hand out, palm up, with images floating above the hand representing the Elixir, Ruby, Laravel, and Django programming languages